So...I named him Speedy Singh. I've always called him Speedy Singh. Anything that i send to him is also addressed to Speedy Singh.
Everyone knew this. He didn't.
He's now a tad more than 3 and met us after a long time.
I called him Darling and Speedy. He obviously did not respond to either ! Coz he didn't know whom i was referring to. The whole day passed and he did not realise it.
Mamman tried telling him...but he didn't get it. It was okay. No big deal.
We left him and went back home. A couple of days later we got a voice message. He was saying "Speeding Singh" ! He had been practicing :)
He finally understood that he was supposed to be Speedy..and he tried to say it. He practiced and finally came out with Speeding Singh. It was lovely. It was so sweet. He was saying darling and Speeding Singh.
My darling now knows what i lovingly call him by :)