I have a fascination for watching the sun set or rise.
The sun speaks to me sometimes. At least, i think it does :)
The rising sun says
Ah - I see you are here - to greet me
I see you are here - to start your day with me
I see you are here - to nourish your mind, body and soul
I see you are here - to have an early start because you have loads to do
I see you are here - to try and make a difference in your own small way, with at least one person
I shall give you company and stay with you - till the time you are willing to keep walking and i shall show you the way ahead
The setting sun says
Ah - I see you are here - to bid me adieu
I see you are here - to take a moment
I see you are here - to see, if you made a small difference
I see you are here - to take a breath, pause and reflect, on the day gone by
I see you are here - to check if i shall come back again, to dissipate the darkness
Yes - I shall. And i hope, i see you, as soon as i open my eyes and find you, starting your day, with me :)