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SuSu Potty !

Writer's picture: Sumit ScribblesSumit Scribbles

Updated: Aug 9, 2018

So… this is the most important task of the day. Also, the most satisfying :) if it goes well.

this doesn't need a caption !

Don’t know about you… but for me, this is the time to really unload ! Get rid of some unwanted weight, feel lighter ;)

Jokes apart, this is really the most important part of the day. Consider this, if your morning poop does not go well…you feel uneasy for a looooooong time. And if it goes well… your day is off to a great start.

This is a time for introspection, to plan your day, to reflect upon the choices to make, to force the shit out of your system :)

I can’t help it. This is a 'bun' intended topic !

A couple of decades ago... when we didn’t have so much technology around us…I’d take the newspaper inside. Do my thing and get up-to date with the world. See, good start to the day. That used to be productive time…The newspaper was the first thing I looked forward to. I’d never read the front page, never politics, it was always the sports pages to get a start off to the day. There was even a time that I’d take in a novel…whatever I was reading at the time.

Even a time, when my sister kept an omnibus of Calvin & Hobbes in the loo. You know, short stories to take care of the short stuff ;)

Nowadays, of course, it’s the cell phone. Check up FB, What’s App messages to revert to. No wonder, Zuckerberg says that he knows our wake up and sleep times. The wake up time is when he can smell us ;)

A colleague of mine, he’d bought a Samsung tab and he said that he’d take it in the loo to do his mails, first thing in the morning. You know, take care of shit at work !

There used to be a time, when we didn’t have wifi / hi speed internet, the average time spent in the loo was 10 mins or so… then of course, things changed, and the amount of time spent on the pot also increased proportionately. For now, I’m fortunate that my Princess doesn’t have a phone/tab and doesn’t take it in the loo… else I’d never see her outside :)

I remember potty training my kid. My sisters’ have to now do this with their respective kids. Trust me, its an amazing thing. Getting a kid to go and do – susu potty, at a definite place, preferably with some definite timeframe is an achievement. It’s the pinnacle of a parents’ career. There is nothing which will ever top this !

I remember, once my kid was sitting on the pot and my sister was sitting next to her, making sure that she didn’t fall over, my daughter leaned forward and kissed my sister. She told me later that it was the sweetest kiss ever (till then). Before becoming a parent, I couldn’t comprehend such a scenario.

Princess is as much my child as she is my sisters’.

Speedy is now growing up and its about time that he’s starting to get control over his bowels… to a degree. Whenever he feels the need to go… he will squat down and do his business. Doesn’t matter if it’s a five star hotel or a roadside store :) He’s a very cultured little fellow, he’s learnt to squat and follows it religiously !

One of my siblings had this to say - With Princess, it was always known that her pee would fall in a definite place....but with our kids... Oh My God !, it can be anywhere !!! It could be like a fountain - weaving all round the bed, me, my clothes ! He's even peed on his father's face ;) Oh God, when will this kid be potty trained ? Please help.




Me, myself & I

As you've probably guessed, this is me. Bespectacled & perpetually 12 !

I write periodically, with no set timeframe or topic in mind. Essentially, whenever my creative juices flow. Come, join me on a journey of short stories...  

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