So... I read this short one again and again.
What is it about the road and I ?
Is it about being out there in the wee hours of the morning, without any company ?
Is it about being out there with the road for company ?
What is it ?
There is an element of intimacy... between the road and I.
The road doesn't ask for anything, it doesn't provide a lot either. It's just there. It remains steadfast. It is a constant in my surroundings, always beckoning, never demanding.
It says - come. Run or walk, whatever you fancy, but come. I will give you company. I am here for you. I shall not bother you, nor shall i coddle you.
If you need to vent, do so. I shall listen intently.
If you need to cry, do so. I shall tell no one.
If you need to just be one with nature, I shall lead you to greenery.
If you want to tire yourself out, I shall provide you with steep inclines.
If you want to feel the breeze in your hair, I shall provide you with rolling hills.
If you want to see the sunrise, I shall provide an unhindered view of it.
If you want to just sit, I shall sit with you, quietly.
I shall murmur in your ears about anything that you want to hear.
If you want solace, I shall divert the early morning traffic away from you.
If you want serenity, I shall lead you to a water body, with the sun rising against it.
If you want to just clear your head, do so. I shall take the worry away from you.
If i cry, the tears will dissipate on the tarmac
If i unburden, the stress will be ravaged by the elements
If i let out an anguished scream, there will be no one to hear it
If i am fighting a battle in my head, there won't be anyone to witness the massacre of emotions
Ask for anything and if it is in my power, it shall be so.
I welcome you with an open heart...come embrace me.
I have spent a lot of time 'alone' with the road... and never really appreciated it.
Now, probably, i do.